The development of technology for the production of biocontrol agents against toxigenic isolates of the Aspergillus genus


Kukuruz je jedan od vodećih izvoznih proizvoda u Republici Srbiji i usev od strategijskog značaja za državnu ekonomiju. Tokom 2012. godine, Republika Srbija se našla se na listi zemalja koje su pretrpele velike ekonomske gubitke od posledica pojave aflatoksigenih gljiva na poljima kukuruza i ulaska aflatoksina u lanac ishrane. Analizom predstavnika gljiva vrste Aspergillus flavus uzorkovanih sa kukuruza uzgajanog na različitim lokalitetima u Republici Srbiji, ustanovljen je visok nivo distribucije izolata sa značajnim genetskim potencijalom za produkciju aflatoksina. Rešenje postojećeg problema, ogleda se u primeni mikrobioloških biopesticida, kao efikasne alternative sintetski dobijenim preparatima, koji i uprkos brojnim negativnim efektima, i dalje zauzimaju vodeću poziciju u trenutno aktuelnoj poljoprivrednoj praksi. Razvoj tehnologije proizvodnje agenasa biološke kontrole toksigenih izolata Aspergillus flavus iniciran je izolacijom i odabirom potentnog biokatalizatora kao nosioca bioprocesa. Među 76 novoizolovanih sojeva Bacillus spp. definisan proizvodni mikroorganizam okarakterisan je najvećim genetskim potencijalom za produkciju antimikrobnih komponenti i najizraženijim supresivnim delovanjem prema ispitivanim sojeva. Dalje faze razvoja bioprocesnog rešenja obuhvatale su optimizaciju kvalitativnog i kvantitativnog sastava hranljivog medijuma za produkciju biokontrolnih agenasa primenom odabranog proizvodnog mikroorganizma. Proizvodnja je skalirana na nivo laboratorijskog bioreaktora ukupne zapremine 16 l radi validacije definisanog optimalnog sastava kultivacionog medijuma (celuloza, 5 g/l, (NH4)2SO4 3,77 g/l, K2HPO4 0,3 g/l i MgSO4∙7H2O 0,3 g/l) i optimizacije procesnih parametara proizvodnje. Maksimizacija efikasnosti proizvedenih agenasa biološke kontrole definisana je pri uslovima koji podrazumevaju, dužinu trajanja kultivacije 96 h, brzinu mešanja 300 o/min i intenzitet aeracije 1,5 vvm. Dizajn bioprocesnog rešenja zaokružen je ispitivanjem mogućnosti formulacije krajnjeg proizvoda primenom čestica biokompatibilnog čvrstog nosača. Poslednja faza istraživanja usmerena je na sagledavanje stanja lokalnog tržišta i ispitivanje stavova poljoprivrednih proizvođača o primeni (bio)pesticida u Republici Srbiji.Maize is one of the leading export products in the Republic of Serbia and a crop of strategic importance for the country economy. In 2012. the Republic of Serbia faced an aflatoxin outbreak in maize fields, resulting in significant economic losses and aflatoxin entrance into the food chain. The analysis of the Aspergillus flavus isolates sampled from maize grown in different localities in the Republic of Serbia revealed the high distribution of strains with the genetic potential to produce aflatoxins. The solution to the existing problem was recognized in microbial biopesticides application, as effective alternative to the synthetically derived products. Besides the numerous hazardous effects, chemical pesticides still take the leading position in current agricultural practice. The development of the production technology of biocontrol agents against toxigenic Aspergillus isolates, was initiated by isolation and selection of potent biocatalyst as the central point of the bioprocess. Among 76 newly isolated strains of Bacillus spp., the producing microorganism was selected based on its highest antagonistic activity against tested phytopathogens and genetic potential for producing antimicrobial components. Further stages of the bioprocess solution development included optimizing the qualitative and quantitative composition of the cultivation medium for the production of biocontrol agents using the selected producing microorganism. Production was scaled to the level of a laboratory bioreactor with a total volume of 16 l to validate the previously defined optimal composition of the cultivation medium (cellulose, 5 g/l, (NH2)2SO4 3.77 g/l, K2HPO4 0.3 g/l and MgSO4∙7H2O 0.3 g/l) and perform optimization of process production parameters. The optimized conditions for the production of the biocontrol agents included the cultivation time of 96 h, the agitation rate of 300 rpm and the aeration intensity of 1.5 vvm. The bioprocess design was completed by investigating the possibility of the final product formulation using the biocompatible carriers. The final research step included the current state of the local market review and exploring agricultural producers’ attitudes towards the use of (bio) pesticides in the Republic of Serbia

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