Complexes of d-block elements with aromatic o,o- and n,n-donor ligands: synthesis, structure, properties and applications


Reakcijom izmene liganada različitim metodama sinteze dobijeno je 22 ternarna kompleksa elemenata d-bloka [Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) i Zn(II)] sa anjonima aromatičnih polikarboksilnih kiselina (ftalne, izoftalne, tereftalne i piromelitne) kao O,O-donorskim ligandima i aromatičnim N,N-donorskim ligandima kao što su 2,2'-dipiridilamin i 2,2'-bipirimidin. Trinaest kompleksa sintetisano je u monokristalnom obliku, dok su ostala jedinjenja mikrokristalna. Prema vrsti centralnog atoma, u obliku monokristala dobijeno je pet Mn(II)-, dva Co(II)-, jedan Ni(II)-, dva Cu(II)-, dva Zn(II)-kompleksa, kao i bimetalni Mn(II)–Cu(II)-kompleks...A series of 22 d-block element complexes [Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II)] containing anions of aromatic polycarboxylate acids (phthalic, isophthalic, terephthalic and pyromellic) as O,O-donor ligands and aromatic N,N-donor ligands such as 2,2'-dipyridylamine and 2,2'-bipyrimidine, has been obtained by ligand exchange reaction using different synthetic methods. Thirteen complexes were obtained as single crystals, while the others were microcrystalline powders. According to the type of central atom, five Mn(II), two Co(II), one Ni(II), two Cu(II), two Zn(II) complexes, and bimetallic Mn(II)–Cu(II) complex were synthesized in form of single crystals. The structures of these compounds were determined by single-crystal X-ray analysis. Structural properties of complexes were discussed in detail and compared..

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