


ABSTRACT SUCI RAHMAWATI. 8115087803. Correlation Between Physical School Environment with Learning Motivation of Students at Gita Kirtti 2 Vacational School Jakarta: Research Paper, Jakarta : Study of Office Administration Education Program, Economic and Administration Departement, Faculty of Economic, State University of Jakarta, 2012. The researchs purpose is to get a valid and reliable data of fact, how significant relation between Physical School Environments with Learning Motivation at Vacational High School Gita Kirtti 2 Jakarta. The period of the research was two months from July 2012 until August 2012. The research used survey methods by correlational approach. The population of data all of students with total 315 students, while the reached of populations were students in XII grade with total 70 students with a 5% error level so that the sample for the research was taken as many as 58 students using Proportional Random Sampling Technique. To get data from two variable, researcher using Likert scale model for Physical School Environment (X) and Learning Motivation (Y). For variable X, from 20 statement which has validated, 3 statement dropped and 17 valid. For variable Y, from 25 statement which has validated, 5 statement dropped and 20 valid. The calculation of both variable is using Alpha Cronbach Method and variable X reliability is 0,924 and variable Y reliabity is 0,867, this proof that the instrument were valid and reliable. The analysis test by finding regress equation, that is Y =33,23 + 0,366 X. After that, data normality test by using Liliefors formula and the result is L count 0,068, Ltable for n = 58 using Liliefors test at significance level 0.05 is 0.116. Because L count <Lt able , so the variables X and Y has normally distribution. For regression significance test using analysis of varians (ANAVA) table get result F count = 1,08 > F table = 1,89 showing that, it has significance regression. While regression linearity test, Fcount = 1,08 > Ftable = 1,89 showing that regression is linear. That result of Product Moment Pearson of correlation coefficient test is r xy =0,492. Continued by using correlation coefficient significance test with t-test. Counting result is, tcount = 4,23 > ttable = 1,68. From this counting, node that, it has significant relation between X and Y. Beside that, the result of determination coefficient test is 0,2425, mean that Y variable determinate by 24,25% X variable. This research concluded there is positive correlation between Physical School Environment (X) with Learning Motivation (Y)

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