


ABSTRACT MELVIDA DWI AGUSTYA. 8105132159. The Influence Of Service Quality To Customer Satisfaction Faculty Of Economics At Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Jakarta: Economic Education Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Jakarta State University, July 2017. This study aims to determine whether there is influence of service quality to customer satisfaction Faculty of Economics at Jakarta State University. This research was conducted for three months starting from April until June 2017. The research method used is survey method with quantitative approach. The population in this study is all students of Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. The population of this research is 200 students of Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. The sample used in this research is 127 students with 5% error rate based on Isaac and Michael table using Proportional Random Sampling technique. Data variable Y (Customer Satisfaction) instrument used is a questionnaire by using the Likert scale model. While the data variable X (Quality of Service) instrument used is a questionnaire using the Likert scale model. Prior to use, tested the validity of the construct (construct validity) through the validation process is the calculation of correlation coefficient score grain with total score and reliability test with Alpha Cronbach formula. The result of reliability of Y variable equal to 0,855 and prove that instrument is very high reliability while reliability variable X result 0,924 and prove that instrument have high reliability. Data analysis technique using Ms. program Excel starts with hypothesis testing and look for regression equation test that is simple linear regression having regression equation Y = 5,56 + 0,351X. Then look for test of normality of estimation error and yield Lcitung = 0,064 at significant level 0,05 with total sample 127, Ltabel = 0,079 then data is normal distribution. Then look for regression linierity test using distribution table F with dk of numerator (k-2) = 60 and dk denominator (nk) = 65 with a = 0,05 obtained Fhitung equal to 1,19 whereas Ftable equal to 1,52 this indicate that data It means linear regression. Hypothesis test that is F test in ANAVA table, this hypothesis test there is regression significance test known Fcount 90,29> Ftable 3,92 and calculation of correlation coefficient yielded rxy equal to 0,648. Furthermore, the significance test of correlation coefficient (t test) obtained t count 9,50> ttable 1,97. Then the determination coefficient test obtained results 41.94%, the remaining 58.06% influenced by other factors not examined. The conclusion of this research is there is a positive and significant influence between the quality of service to customer satisfaction Faculty of Economics at Jakarta State University. Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Service Qualit

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