


ABSTRACT Frenki. The Correlation Socioeconomic Status and Learning Motivation on Learning Achievement at Hang Tuah I Vocational School, Jakarta. Script, Jakarta : Study Program of Office Administration Education. Economics and Administration Department, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. 2016 The purpose of this research is to get a valid and reliable data or fact, to know the correlation Socioeconomic Status and Learning Motivation on Learning Achievement at Hang Tuah I Vocational School. This research have been done for 3 month since April until June 2016. Research method using survey method with correlation approach, while the data was got from instrument to student at Hang Tuah I Vocational Scholl. The populations research was all of employees with total 840 employees. Population affordable in this research is a division of a stream radio network integration who that have employees as many as 81 people .Sample used as many as 65 students by using technique random simple X1 variable data using replicas, X2 using a questionnaire with Likert scale and Y obtained from secondary data taken from the value of the second semester rapot Hypothesis test results obtained by using multiple regression results obtained by the linear regression equation obtained was Y = 44.837 + 0,209X1 + 0,125X2. While the t test result tcount> ttable namely 6,044> 1.99. Significance in the variable socioeconomic status of 0,000 and less than 0.05. So that the conclusions drawn are Ho rejected and Ha accepted. Thus the positive effect of socioeconomic status on learning achievement. Tcount learning motivation variable is then compared with the value ttabel. Thus thitung> ttable namely 5654> 1.99. Significance on learning motivation variable of 0.000 and less than 0.05. So that the conclusions drawn are Ho rejected and Ha accepted. Thus the motivation to learn a positive effect on learning achievement. Based on the calculation, obtained Ftabel of 3.15, thus Fhitung> Ftabel. The significance of the F test of 0.000; thus less than 0.05. The conclusion that can be drawn is Ho refused or independent variables as socioeconomic status and motivation to learn an effect on the dependent variable performance, results of the calculation of Adjusted R2 value of 0.581 or (58.10%). This shows that 58.10% job performance is explained by factors as socioeconomic status and motivation to learn while the remaining 41.90% influenced or explained by other variables. The conclusion of this study were: 1) Socio-economic status has a positive influence on student achievement SMK Hang Tuah I Jakarta, 2) Motivation to have a positive influence on student achievement SMK Hang Tuah I Jakarta, and 3) Socio-economic status and motivation to learn has a positive effect on student achievement SMK Hang Tuah I Jakarta. Keywords: student achievement, socio-economic status, motivation to lear

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