Exploring Women Workers in Meiji Japan: The Underclass of Japanese Industrialization with a Chinese Comparison


The present research discusses the working conditions of Japanese women during the Meiji period, along with a Chinese comparison. It compares and contrasts the demographic situation of the Empire of Japan and China, introduces the level of industrialization in both countries, and analyzes the working conditions and lifestyles of both Japanese and Chinese women during the late nineteenth century. Japan, during the Meiji Period, became a country where industrialization gained momentum, and as such, the Japanese government needed women to provide the industries with the much-needed workforce. Therefore, the present research also elaborates on certain micro studies, as well as anecdotes from both Japanese and Chinese women workers employed in factories both in the Empire of Japan and China. In this sense, this research aims at revealing the position of Japanese women in terms of gender roles with a comparative view. It also includes articles and related book chapters discussing how family sociology perceived women workers of the late nineteenth century in Japan and China. Finally, the analysis responds to the question, “Is fleeing from small villages to urbanized cities a captivation or liberty for Japanese and Chinese women?

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