Soft error analysis and mitigation in circuits involving C-elements


PhD ThesisA SEU or soft error is defined as a temporary error on digital electronics due to the effect of radiation. Such an error can cause system failure, e.g. a deadlock in an asynchronous system or production of incorrect outputs due to data corruption. The first part of this thesis studies the impact of process variation, temperature, voltage and size scaling within the same process on the vulnerability of the nodes of C-element circuits. The objectives are to identify vulnerable to SEU nodes inside a C-element and to find the critical charge needed to flip the output from low to high (0-1) and high to low (1-0) on different implementations of C-elements. In the second part, a framework to compute the SEU error rates is developed. The error rates of circuits are a trade-off between the size of the transistors and the total area of vulnerability. Comparisons of the vulnerability of different configurations of a C-element are made, and error rates are calculated. The third part focuses on soft error mitigation for single and dual rail latches. The latches are able to detect and correct errors due to SEU. The functionalities of the solutions have been validated by simulation. A comprehensive analysis of the performance of the latches under variations of the process and temperature are presented. The fourth part focuses on testing of the new latches. The objective is to design complex systems and incorporate both single rail and dual rail latches in the systems. Errors are injected in the latches and the functionality of the error correcting latches towards the SEU errors are observed at their outputs. The framework to compute error rates and soft error mitigation developed in this thesis can be used by designers in predicting the occurrence of soft error and mitigating soft error in systems

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