Accomodation to a "new normality" - risk or benefit?


The pandemia generated by the COVID-19 represents first of all a human tragedy, affecting society at its basis, and the effects induced by this boomerang are reflected on the labour market as well. The pandemia has accentuated the need of automation, even on the level of the insurance market, a fact that creates a lot of stress among the employees. The main purpose of the paper is to highlight the situation of the persons employed in various sectors of activity during the current pandemic conditions. The pandemic in the last year prompted large companies to explore more actively the opportunities to automate their activities. In the paper, the authors present the effects of automation on employed  people in various fields of activity, including the field of insurance, which has the effect of losing jobs and replacing human staff with the assistance of artificial technology. After the implementation of automation technologies, the roles and way of working of about a quarter of employees have changed globally, while one of ten employees already needed retraining. This trend will continue to grow, with respondents stating that they will have to retrain a third of the workforce in the next three years as a result of the changing roles. The impact upon sales of goods and services is of a lasting nature and the insurance companies have to adapt their methods to reach their clients where they are, as well as in way of selling an insurance police as in ascertainment of damage and risk inspection

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