What is a key step in the falling process in older people? A qualitative study in an Iranian context


Falls in elderly people occur commonly and may result in significant morbidity and mortality. Prevention of falls is quite possible. The important point is to know and use interventions appropriate to each context. The aim of this study was to explore the facilitators and barriers of the process of falling in elderly people in an Iranian context. A grounded theory data analysis method (constant comparative analysis) was applied using semistructured interviews with15 older persons and seven formal and informal caregivers. According to the experiences of the participants of the current study, the main situation was “response to ageing,” and eight major concepts related to this situation have been explored. In reaction to ageing, older persons show three main responses including maladaptive, corrective adaptation, and unsuccessful or disruptive adaptation. Other related concepts include physical and mental condition, learning on aging, fall consequences, fatalism in falls, lifestyle, social factors related to falling, environmental factors, and restrictive care. Responses to ageing had the most important role in shaping the process of falls. Therefore, the type of interventions that lead people to respond appropriately to aging may be an effective factor in preventing falls in elderly people. It is also necessary to explore the process of fall in each context

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