Removal of an obstruction from a tube by a collapsing bubble


The use of a collapsing bubble to clear an obstruction (in the form of a steel ball) near a tube, submerged in water, is studied with high speed photography. Tubes in horizontal and vertical configurations are studied. The bubble is generated via an electric spark discharge. The flow in the tubes resulting from the expansion of the bubble, or the high speed jet from the collapsing bubble pushes the ball away from the tubes and therefore clears the obstructions. In a case where airbacked tube is used, the bubble jets away from the tube. The resulting water plum at the hole (water-air interface) removes the blockage. The speed of the ball can be as high as 1 m/s shortly after the collapse of the bubble. Further studies are required to translate the phenomena observed to clinical applications such as the removal of blood clots in vessels or the clearing of blocked transplanted tubes..

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