Acoustically induced and controlled micro-cavitation bubbles as active source for transcranial adaptive focusing


The skull bone is a strong aberrating medium for ultrasound in the low MHz range. Brain treatment with High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) can however be achieved through the skull by multichannel arrays using an adaptive focusing technique. Time-reversal is a robust adaptive technique for correction of aberrations. It achieves moreover a matched filter and then allows the optimal energy concentration for thermal therapy. Nevertheless, this method requires a reference signal sent by a source embedded in brain tissues. Acoustically generated cavitation bubbles are active acoustic sources which can be remotely generated. Therefore, they are suited for this non-invasive time reversal aberration correction. We report here in vitro experiments where micro-cavitation was induced transcranially in agar gel at targeted positions using a coarse aberration correction either obtained from CT-scan based simulations or conventional steering. The bubbles' ultrasonic signature received by the array were then successfully used to optimally focus at the designated locations.

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