What Does it Take to Deliver an Active Hands-on Course?


Distance Education has been implemented widely in different curricula at many institutions; different means have been used to ensure the delivery. This article introduces unique combination of different mechanisms in implementing the active/synchronous distance delivery of hands-on course(s) that is compatible and similar to the face-to-face on-campus course(s).There are three major developmental stages of these online courses - curriculum design, methodologies, and assessment to ensure the effectiveness of distance delivery of technical courses in engineering technology. The processes of curriculum design for the Embedded System Designs are discussed: (a) The development of course and labs modules for hands-on technical courses. (b) The methodologies used in the delivery processes that include unique combinations of different teaching strategies when implementing these online courses. The web portal is used as a means to deliver general rules and course information and content, and the implementations of Learning Management Systems (LMS) for course module organizations. In addition, the limitations and problems encountered during the delivery processes, and the solution of the problems will be addressed. (c) The assessment of the distance course(s) on data gathered in a preliminary study and the comparison of methodologies used in this distance course will be presented to set as a proof of concept of these effective distance delivery practices. Engineering technology focuses on both hands-on and mind-on design work. This article discussed the integration of existing technology products into real world applications. Through the implementation of the distance delivery or cyber-enabled learning environment, the effectiveness of the delivery is compatible to traditional face-to-face on-campus courses. This does not only benefit the interested faculty/teachers in better teaching technical courses online, but it also supports the students who are interested in learning more advanced technical concepts that are needed in the work environment requiring higher technical literacy for today and in the future. Highlights of the presentation will address the following: (1) Research and development of the virtual classrooms and open source service server. (2) Curriculum design and development of the supported material. (3) Implementation of teaching strategies and methodologies for the real-time distance hands-on approach. (4) Preliminary assessment of the teaching and learning. (5) Recommendations of potential adoption of the development. (6) Continuous improvement of teaching and learning in academic community

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