Recovery Network Awareness: A Training Guide to Help Clients Choose an Aftercare Program for Sobriety


Abstract Recovery environments are a crucial role in any individual’s journey to achieve sobriety. A safe environment will allow people who have a history of substance use to work their program effectively and decrease their relapse potential. The purpose of this paper is to identify multiple recovery-based programs for new professionals and providers entering the field of substance abuse treatment that allow their clients to have the best opportunity to succeed with their personal goals. The main programs discussed in this paper include 12 step programs, SMART Recovery, Harm reduction, and Medication Assisted Therapy. Choosing the right program for clients can be a challenge and the information provided in this paper will help identify interventions that align with the client’s core beliefs for them to have the autonomy to choose what they feel is the best route for their recovery. A training (Recovery Networking) will be provided that corresponds to the topics discussed in the literature review. Keywords: recovery, aftercare, alternative

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