The Ursinus Weekly, April 18, 1932


Spring convention of I.N.A. held at Haverford College • Student party attends opera Aida, April 14 • Inter-class track meet will be featured April 21 • Bears drop close game to Drexel Dragons, 8-6 • Tal Henry will play for junior promenade • Sophs win track meet • Inter-class track trophy • Physical Education group features novel demonstration • Interesting Ruby changes • Johnson compiles survey of Ursinus athletic system • Dr. J. Boyd Edwards will speak • Oratorio rehearsals begun • Junior play, April 30 • Questionnaire ends April 20 • The Paisley prizes • Men\u27s negative debating team defeats Villanova • Co-ed debaters lose; tie Penn State contests • Girl problems discussed by Mrs. Holzopple at YW • Editorial: Depression vs. college students • Lodge receives honor • Y officers chosen • WSGA officers begin with annual banquet • Professor Bone speaks on capitalism at Y meeting • Poetry is theme of English Club meeting Monday night • YM will install officers • Tennis tournament delayed • Cooperation for May Day event urged by Mrs. Ogden • Dr. Roxby to address club

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