Obesity Prevention Toolkit to Combat Weight Gain Related to Sedentary Behavior and Dietary Habits in College Students: An Evidence-Based Project


Abstract Background: Forty percent of the US population ages 20-39 are categorized as obese, their BMI is over 30, and 35% of college age students are obese or overweight. Issues related to obesity cost the US $147 billion annually. Between 40%-50% of college students are reported to be inactive. Inactivity can lead to increased morbidity and mortality related to increased risks of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, musculoskeletal issues, and depression. Providing dietary and physical activity education and access to nutritional information promotes behavior change in young adults. Aims of Service Change: This evidence-based project proposal aims to provide a toolkit that can be utilized in higher education institutions with incoming students to increase self-efficacy related to positive dietary choices and increased physical activity amongst college age students. Ultimately, this has the potential to reduce the incidence of poor outcomes later in life. Details of Innovation: This toolkit includes: dietary education using online resources, physical activity recommendations in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and access to nutritional information digitally. This will be offered over a three-month period and results will be tracked throughout the term.Outcomes: Implementation of an evidenced-based structured toolkit can provide benefits to higher education institutions by proactively addressing the ramifications of unhealthy lifestyles, weight gain and sedentary behavior which in turn has medical cost saving potential and increased retention rates

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