Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Events in Transgender Patients Undergoing Hormone Therapy


The number of transgender individuals currently being prescribed cross-sex hormone replacement therapy (CSHRT) is currently at an all-time high, but the short- and long-term effects that those medications have upon the cardiovascular system remains largely unknown. To examine the effect that CSHRT has on the cardiovascular system, this review synthesizes the results of five different studies on CSHRT and cardiovascular outcomes in transgender individuals. The report also examines differences in cardiovascular outcomes associated with different dosages and preparations of CSHRT. This review notes that transgender women are at highest risk of adverse cardiovascular events, with those taking high-dose oral estrogen being up to 45 times more likely to experience a thromboembolitic event. The evidence surrounding transgender men is less conclusive, but does suggest a slightly increased risk of acute and chronic cardiovascular issues. These results suggest that transgender individuals taking CSHRT may be at an increased risk for adverse cardiovascular outcomes. Healthcare providers working with transgender patients should be aware of dosages and routes of CSHRT that carry fewer risks yet achieve similar patient outcomes. Patients must also be educated on these risks while being guided to develop healthy cardiovascular habits

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