Sparking a Movement: A Coordinated, Bottom-up Approach to Increase Voluntary Pro Bono Service and Mend the Justice Gap


For decades, the legal profession has tried and tried again to increase pro bono representation and reduce the ill effects of the Justice Gap. A common and increasing theme has been a top-down approach focused on laudable platitudes, jurisdictional reporting policies, and aspirational guidelines to inspire attorneys to voluntarily serve low-income Americans. These efforts have enjoyed very little success, however, and with the Justice Gap only getting worse, a new solution is needed. This Article shifts the focus away from these top-down methods and mandates, which lack accountability and incentives, to a bottom-up approach that offers a more viable solution to the Justice Gap. In a bottom-up approach, attorneys are not only encouraged, but empowered, to provide services in coordination with other stakeholders. The COVID-19 pandemic both aggravated and highlighted the Justice Gap and, as a result, it has the potential to act as the necessary “social change tipping point” to spark a movement. Therefore, the time is ripe for all legal professionals to collectively take steps toward service, however small they may seem, to effectively and sustainably treat the Justice Gap once and for all

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