Deconstructing Inequality: Cumulative Impacts, Environmental Justice, and Interstate Redevelopment


The siting and development of Interstate 81 in Syracuse, New York, similar to highway projects across the nation, lead to the displacement of Black Syracusans and has exposed thousands of remaining residents at heightened environmental harm. As the interstate is slated to be redeveloped due to age and safety issues, national attention has focused on the highway as a potential exemplar for similar projects across the United States. Federal law mandates that environmental impact analysis be conducted, and due to the prevalence of marginalized populations, environmental justice impacts are a critical feature in this assessment. This article evaluates both the redevelopment of the interstate through an assessment of a 10,000+ page draft environmental impact statement, review of relevant policy documents and attendance at public meetings to assess the potential for environmentally sustainability and just outcomes. It concludes that, along with similar redevelopment projects from online due to the nation’s aging infrastructure, environmental analysis and planning must employ restorative justice frameworks to strengthen and heal communities impacted from the legacy of racist urban planning

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