The Missing Link: Democratic Citizenship in Service Learning A Case Study of Undergraduate Course Offerings at a Large Urban University


The purpose of this study was to explore a discrete set of service-learning courses to determine. (1) were they of the type conducive to fostering democratic citizens. and (2) did the coordinating center that supported service-learning advocate it for democratic Citizenship. Sixteen university instructors and two administrative staff members from a coordinating center were interviewed, and documents describing the courses and coordinating center were reviewed. Drawing from the literature. a list of ten criteria for democratic citizenship was assembled, and two sets of questions-one for the instructors and another for the administrative staff-were devised to prompt the response of the participants. It was determined that: (1) the coordinating center exhibited nearly twice as many characteristics of democratic citizenship as did the instructors\u27 courses; (2) the coordinating center and the instructors had considerable room for improvement if democratic citizenship was a motivation and a goal for the students; (3) curricular interests were the primary reason for engaging in service learning; and (4) more support needs to be provided by the coordinating center if instructors are to gain confidence, and effectively develop service 1eaming for democratic citizenship

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