
Bencana banjir merupakan salah satu bencana yang sering terjadi di Indonesia, tidak terkecuali banjir di Kota Bekasi dan Bogor yang disebabkan oleh limpasan air sungai (runoff) di area sekitar pertemuan aliran sungai Cikeas dan Cileungsi. Adapun tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik banjir, dampak potensi kerugian bencana banjir dan persepsi masyarakat dalam penanganan bencana banjir di area sekitar pertemuan sungai Cikeas dan Cileungsi. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) karakteristik banjir di area sekitar pertemuan aliran sungai Cikeas dan Cileungsi cukup parah, dalam setahun terjadi 1 – 3 kali banjir, penyebab banjir dikarenakan limpasan di pertemuan sungai Cikeas, Cileungsi dan sungai Bekasi, ketinggian banjir berkisar antara 1 – 3 meter, lama banjir sekitar 1 – 3 jam, arus air cukup cepat dan membawa material berupa lumpur. (2) dampak potensi kerugian masyarakat diklasifikasikan menjadi dua, yaitu masyarakat yang terdampak langsung banjir yang mengalami kerugian secara material berupa berpotensi kehilangan harta benda serta rusaknya barang berharga dan kerugian non-material berupa lumpuhnya aktivitas masyarakat. adapun masyarakat yang tidak terdampak langsung banjir adalah lumpuhnya aktifitas masyarakat, meskipun dampak banjir bagi masyarakat tersebut belum dirasakan secara langsung namun diperlukan persiapan untuk mengantisipasi datangnya banjir. (3) persepsi masyarakat dalam penanganan banjir berdasarkan ketersediaan peringatan dini baik, saat bencana banjir berupa ketersediaan tempat pengungsian dan pasokan makanan baik, pasokan air bersih dan listrik cukup serta rehabilitasi pasca banjir baik. adapun usulan masyarakat dalam penanganan banjir sudah baik, karena masyarakat mengetahui permasalahan banjir di area pertemuan sekitar aliran sungai Cikeas-Cileungsi Kata Kunci: Persepsi Masyarakat, Penanganan Banjir, Karakteristik Banjir, Dampak Potensi Kerugian Banjir Flood disaster is one of the disasters that often occurs in Indonesia, including floods in the cities of Bekasi and Bogor which are caused by runoff in the area around the confluence of the Cikeas and Cileungsi rivers. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of floods, the potential impact of flood losses and the public perceptions in handling flood disasters in the area around the confluence of the Cikeas and Cileungsi rivers. The method used is quantitative with descriptive analysis. The results of this study are: (1) the characteristics of flooding in the area around the confluence of the Cikeas and Cileungsi rivers are quite severe, there are 1-3 times of flood in a year, the cause of flooding is due to runoff at the confluence of the Cikeas, Cileungsi and Bekasi rivers, the flood height ranges from between 1 – 3 meters, the duration of the flood is about 1 – 3 hours, the water current is quite fast and carries material in the form of mud. (2) the impact of potential loss to the community is classified into two, namely the people who directly affected by the flood who suffers material losses in the form of potential loss of property and damage to valuables and non-material losses in the form of paralysis of people activities. As for the people who are not directly affected by the flood, the people’s activities are paralyzed, although the impact of the flood on the community has not been felt directly but preparations are needed to anticipate the arrival of the flood. (3) Public perception in flood management based on the availability of good early warning, during a flood disaster in the form of the availability of refugee camps and good food supply, adequate supply of clean water and electricity and good post-flood rehabilitation. As for the community's proposals in handling floods, they are good, because the community knows about the flood problem in the meeting area around the Cikeas-Cileungsi river flow. Keyword: Public Perceptions, Flood Disaster Management, Characteristics of Flood, The Potential Impact of Flood Losse

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