Fitzroya Cupressoides Yields 1534-Year Long South American Chronology


The longest tree-ring chronologies for the Southern Hemisphere published to date go back to A.D. 1011 in central Chile; 1028 in Tasmania, Australia; 1140 in western Argentina; and 1256 on the North Island, New Zealand. For paleoclimatic and other studies longer time series would be very desirable. Here we report on the first successful crossdating and chronology development for Fitzroya cupressoides, a redwood-like conifer in western Argentina, which goes back to 441 and exhibits desirable statistical characteristics.This item is part of the Tree-Ring Research (formerly Tree-Ring Bulletin) archive. It was digitized from a physical copy provided by the Laboratory of Tree-Ring research at The University of Arizona. For more information about this peer-reviewed scholarly journal, please email the Editor of Tree-Ring Research at [email protected]

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