Masses and β -Decay Spectroscopy of Neutron-Rich Odd-Odd Eu 160,162 Nuclei: Evidence for a Subshell Gap with Large Deformation at N=98


The structure of deformed neutron-rich nuclei in the rare-earth region is of significant interest for both the astrophysics and nuclear structure fields. At present, a complete explanation for the observed peak in the elemental abundances at A∼160 eludes astrophysicists, and models depend on accurate quantities, such as masses, lifetimes, and branching ratios of deformed neutron-rich nuclei in this region. Unusual nuclear structure effects are also observed, such as the unexpectedly low energies of the first 2+ levels in some even-even nuclei at N=98. In order to address these issues, mass and β-decay spectroscopy measurements of the Eu97160 and Eu99162 nuclei were performed at the Californium Rare Isotope Breeder Upgrade radioactive beam facility at Argonne National Laboratory. Evidence for a gap in the single-particle neutron energies at N=98 and for large deformation (β2∼0.3) is discussed in relation to the unusual phenomena observed at this neutron number

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