Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Industri Pembuatan Kripik Tempe di Desa Karangtengah Prandon Kabupaten Ngawi


This study aims to describe the condition of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) and strategies SO (Strngth-Opportunity), WO Weaknesses- Opportunity, ST (Strengths-Threats), and WT (Weaknesses-Threats) in the development of tempe chips industry. in Karangtengah Village, Prandon, Ngawi. This type of research uses a qualitative case study design. Data collection techniques through observation, and interviews. The subjects of the study were the business owners of Prima Tempe Chips, Rizki Rama Chips & Aulia Tempe Chips. The validity of the data using source triangulation and technical triangulation. The data analysis technique uses SWOT analysis through three stages of data acquisition, namely; data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed: (1) Strengths: prioritizing taste quality, business experience, continuous production, famous for tempe chips center, brand development and affordable prices. Weaknesses: expensive raw materials, quiet market conditions, and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Opportunities: increasing market demand, economical and affordable prices, cooperating with suppliers. Threats: many competitors, limited capital and declining sales. (2) S-O (Strngth- Opportunity) Strategy: Carry out brand development, improve taste quality, long business experience, economical and affordable prices and collaborate with suppliers. W-O (Weakness-Opportunity) strategy: Management of raw material availability, improving Quality Control and packaging, meeting market demand, and cooperating with suppliers. S-T (Strengths-Threats) Strategy: A place that is famous for its tempe chips center, continuous production, developing taste innovations, and maintaining product quality. W-T (Weaknesses-Threats) Strategy: Manage the availability of raw materials, improve Quality Control and in terms of packaging, develop taste innovations, and maintain product quality

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