From novel to film : a study of To have and have not


The purpose of this thesis is to analyze in depth the three versions of To Have and Have Not, the novel written by Ernest Hemingway, the screenplay written by Jules Furthman and William Faulkner and the film directed by Howard Hawks. It is not, however, a presentation of three separate studies focusing on the works alone. Instead, an attempt is made to deal with the three great creative personalities involved as contributors to a final art form which is the film. An attempt is made to bring to the study a general understanding of the other works of each, with consideration both of general philosophy and thematic content and more specific aspects of technique and style. With that general understanding as background, the film is analyzed and the attempt made to delineate elements within it especially characteristic of its three major contributors. Other artists, especially actor Humphrey Bogart, are also considered. The studio system as it existed in Hollywood in 1944 which, because of its power, had a great influence on the making of the film, is also described

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