
Seasonal Variation of Fluoride, Nitrate and Boron in Ground Water of Hebbal and Challaghatta Basins, Bangalore, Karnataka


Present paper focuses on physico-chemical characteristics of Hebbal and Challaghatta basins, Bangalore with special reference to fluoride, nitrate and boron concentration. During the pre-monsoon of 2011, the NO^sub 3^^sup -^ content is as high as (100 mg/l) in 12% of wells having depth of less than 42 feet, whereas 88% of samples from wells having depth of more than 799 feet showed < 100 mg/l of NO^sub 3^^sup -^. The higher NO^sub 3^^sup -^ along shallow open wells is therefore attributed to sewage contamination. Pesticides and fertilizers used in agricultural activities are also contributing significant amounts of fluoride to the groundwater regime in Hebbal and Challaghatta aquifers. In the Hebbal and Challaghatta valleys, the industrial applications of boron that apparently could affect the groundwater system are washing powder and agricultural applications of boron-fertilizers and boron-pesticides. The high content of boron in several water sources is signal for restricting the use of washing powder containing boron

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