Presidential Influences on Civil Rights Visits to the Presidential Libraries


I propose a one semester (Fall 2007) sabbatical study which will be conducted during the academic year of 2007. Though I know most sabbatical leaves are granted for the spring semester of the academic year, I ask for Fall consideration so that I can take advantage of the extra collections that are only made available at the libraries during the Fall Holiday Season. By granting the sabbatical in the Fall of 2007, you would also afford me the ability to experience the oral arguments of the US Supreme Court in October. Indeed, this sabbatical study will allow me to continue my exploration of the nexus between Presidential politics and Civil Rights. More specifically, I plan to visit the Presidential Libraries of Bill Clinton (Little Rock, Arkansas), George H.W. Bush (College Station, Texas), Ronald Reagan (Simi Valley, California), Jimmy Carter (Atlanta, Georgia), Richard M. Nixon (Yorba Linda, California), John F. Kennedy (Boston, Massachusetts) and Lyndon B. Johnson (Austin, Texas). See for more information about presidential libraries. In addition to the presidential libraries, I also plan to visit the Dr. Martin Luther King Center in Atlanta, Georgia and the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. While visiting these institutions, I plan to take pictures of material (when allowed), document the work as it relates to Civil Rights by the aforementioned presidents on my laptop in Microsoft word and with my voice recorder. Unquestionably, this sabbatical will be rejuvenating for me because it will allow me to do the things that I love doing: reading, writing, traveling and taking pictures. While my students would gain a great deal from the material that I document and the pictures that I take, these are the things that I love to do. So, it would be extremely educational and beneficial to me, my students in American National Government and Introduction to Political Science courses and the residents and schools in District 505

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