Lund University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science
Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) development is widely known to be a challenging process owing to its complex and dynamic nature. Although great effort has been made to conceptually explain the complexity and dynamics of SDIs, few studies thus far have actually modeled these complexities. In fact, better modeling of SDI complexities will lead to more reliable plans for its development. A state-of-the-art simulation model of SDI development, hereafter referred to as SMSDI, was created by using the system dynamics (SD) technique. The SMSDI enables policy-makers to test various investment scenarios in different aspects of SDI and helps them to determine the optimum policy for further development of an SDI. This thesis begins with adaption of the SMSDI to a new case study in Tanzania by using the community of participant concept, and further development of the model is performed by using fuzzy logic. It is argued that the techniques and models proposed in this part of the study enable SDI planning to be conducted in a more reliable manner, which facilitates receiving the support of stakeholders for the development of SDI.Developing a collaborative platform such as SDI would highlight the differences among stakeholders including the heterogeneous data they produce and share. This makes the reuse of spatial data difficult mainly because the shared data need to be integrated with other datasets and used in applications that differ from those originally produced for. The integration of authoritative data and Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), which has a lower level structure and production standards, is a new, challenging area. The second part of this study focuses on proposing techniques to improve the matching and integration of spatial datasets. It is shown that the proposed solutions, which are based on pattern recognition and ontology, can considerably improve the integration of spatial data in SDIs and enable the reuse or multipurpose usage of available data resources