
The Palace owned by the Laurini family is an important building located in the historic center of the ancient city of Tito, a few kilometers from Potenza, in the heart of Southern Italy, built between the end of the 18th century and the end of the 19th century. It was built in three phases and three factory bodies joined together at different levels (up to five), with a very irregular volume both in plan and in section and a large sloping garden with a surface of over 3,800 m2. Thanks to the attention and care of the property, the building has fully conserved its original construction, and today appears as a living manual of the architecture of its time. This also and above all because the owners refused to apply the simplistic and invasive recipes practiced after the 1980 earthquake, which led to the almost complete destruction of the historical heritage of Campania and Basilicata. The Palace preserves untidy stone wall; the vaults in stone, barrel and cross-shaped (one also lathwork type, on the top floor); the original stairs; the floors in chestnut wood, the roofs with Palladian trusses and bent tiles; the frames of doors and windows, some very ornate, and the original wooden fixtures; railings and gratins in molded cast iron and wrought iron; the pavements in colored and decorated cement grit stones; the original plasters and colorings. The Notary Laurini intends to dedicate the building to the enhancement of the thought and work of Lorenzo Ostuni, personality of Tito internationally known, artist and scholar of symbols, who died a few years ago. And to this end it has set up a Foundation to which it has given the Palace, to make it become the seat of a Museum of Symbols and related study activities. The research carried out has determined the methods through which, in respect of the historic-artistic characteristics of the building, it reaches its anti-seismic adaptation, its re-functionalization, the elimination of humidity pathologies, also achieving a marked improvement in its energy performance and sustainability

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