An Examination of the Statistics and Risk Management Concepts Behind the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is the overarching federal law that has impacted the intricacies of the health insurance market for more than a decade. Using the supervised learning method of multiple linear regression, the relationship between the medical loss ratio rebates and predictor variables such as the state, health insurance market, and the number of insurance companies owing rebates will be analyzed, along with the actuarial value of metal tiers and geographic rating area factors in terms of their relationship to the insurance premium for a standard family of four, defined as a forty-year-old couple with two children. Moreover, cluster analysis will be used to analyze any and all phenomena discovered by looking at which data points are assigned to specific clusters based on shared attributes. All datasets are from the years 2014 through 2020, as 2014 was when the PPACA went into effect and 2020 is the latest year for which data is available

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