High-performing vapor-cell frequency standards


Many nowadays scientific and technological applications need very precise time and frequency reference signals. Very often, only atomic clocks can guarantee the high level of accuracy and stability required by these signals. In the current scenario of atomic frequency standards, vapor-cell clocks are particularly suited to be employed in those activities that demand good frequency stability performances joined to compactness, reliability and low power consumption. Recently, due to better-performing laser sources and to innovative techniques to prepare and detect the atoms, several cell-based prototypes exhibiting unprecedented frequency stability have been developed. We review advances in the field of laser-pumped vapor-cell clocks and we provide an overview of the techniques that allowed to achieve frequency stabilities in the order of 1×10^−13 at 1 s (short term) and in the range of 10^−15 for the medium-long term. These stabilities are two orders of magnitude better than current commercial Rb clocks. We also prospect the possibility of further improving these results.Many nowadays scientific and technological applications need very precise time and frequency reference signals. Very often, only atomic clocks can guarantee the high level of accuracy and stability required by these signals. In the current scenario of atomic frequency standards, vapor-cell clocks are particularly suited to be employed in those activities that demand good frequency stability performances joined to compactness, reliability and low power consumption. Recently, due to better-performing laser sources and to innovative techniques to prepare and detect the atoms, several cell-based prototypes exhibiting unprecedented frequency stability have been developed. We review advances in the field of laser-pumped vapor-cell clocks and we provide an overview of the techniques that allowed to achieve frequency stabilities in the order of 1 x 10(-13) at is (short term) and in the range of 10(-15) for the medium-long term. These stabilities are two orders of magnitude better than current commercial Rb clocks. We also prospect the possibility of further improving these results

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