Cost-Benefit Analysis of Establishing a Climate Smart Village in Southern Shan, Myanmar: The Case of Taungkhamauk Village, Nyaung Shwe Township


This study analyzed the financial sustainability of a Climate-Smart Village (CSV) established in Taungkhamauk, Nyaung Shwe Township, in the southern Shan State of Myanmar. The Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) options adopted by participating households and evaluated by this study included yield enhancement for upland rice and corn, planting fruit trees in farms and homesteads, and vegetable gardening as well as livestock and poultry raising in homesteads. The Cost and Return Analysis method was used in determining financial sustainability. Results showed that the majority of the households benefited from implementing the CSA options. Furthermore, the study also noted that the CSV promoted social values about economic empowerment, household food security, and gender inclusiveness. Upscaling of the CSV approach in other villages in the Shan State was recommended

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