New methods to treat strongly correlated systems


This thesis focuses on development of three novel multiconfigurational quantum chemical methods, to study strongly correlated systems: GASSCF, SplitCAS and SplitGAS. By GASSCF it is possible to eliminate ineffective configurations from the CI expansion by choosing an arbitrary number of active spaces and by tuning the interspace excitations. By SplitCAS and SplitGAS, the CI wave function generated by CAS or GAS type of active spaces is partitioned into two parts: a principal part containing few relevant configurations and an extended part containing less relevant configurations. The two methods differ in the criteria for the splitting. Lowdin's partitioning technique is used to reduce the secular problem to the size of the principal space. These methods allow for an enlargement of the active space with respect to the CASSCF method. Theory, algorithmic details and test calculations are presented. Based on this work, the ‘scaling catastrophe' of the CASSCF approach is partially solved

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