Il sé corporeo nella comunicazione a distanza. Vincoli e possibilità della formazione sociale in tempo di pandemia


The restrictions brought about by the pandemic have led to the use of “distant” modalities of communication in the most diverse spheres of social life, from informal friendships to formal work and education. The entire community has been forced to adapt to social distancing, practising a radical reshaping of the forms of communication and the “forced” use of the communicative forms afforded by technology; This necessity has determined and is determining living, intrinsically founded on the encounter in presence, on proximity, on corporeality, which is forced to give way to new ways of relating in which the body does not participate in the encounter with the other according to the natural prerogatives inscribed in it, which are fundamental prerogatives for the activation of the usual conditions of The present contribution, starting from the criticalities outlined, highlights the need to enforce the communication tools mediated by technology, with a reconstructive potential of relational forms that make them intrinsically socia

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