
Living three worlds: individual experience and social reality in the contemporary era


Aboriginal inhabitants on remote lands may only know a commonsensical world just as all human ancestors who lived a long time ago in primitive societies. Faithful believers may only care about their religious world just as most Christians who struggled with spirituality during the Middle Ages. Dedicated scientists may only perceive and produce things in the world of science as if nothing could ever meaningfully exist besides it. However, the majority of contemporaries who grow up with probably a dotted exposure to religious service and likely systematic access to scientific education tend to approach reality, frame experience, and organize life with input from and output to a multitude of sources. This chapter points to the fact that people in the contemporary era live in a general world of reality with connections to commonsense, religion, and science. Compared to commonsense, the general world incorporates not only religious elements for non-earthly meanings but also scientific forces with productive outcomes. In contrast to religion, it exhibits both the practicality of commonsense and the rationality of science. With regard to science, it shows a direct involvement in commonsensical experience as well as a simple commitment to religious transcendence.peer-reviewe

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