Economic priorities of the strategic planning of forest sector in the Russian Federation


Branch and regional prioritization of the forest sector is a necessary condition for its development and compatibility growth. It allows toplan and forecast the forest management activities and their allocation across the country. Strategic planning and forecasting should use the following methodology. Firstly, it is necessary to rank the priority branches of the forest sector according to the criterion of their income (for example, wooden housing construction, packing paper, furniture, bioenergy, etc.). At the next iteration, economic regions are to be ranked according to the transportation cost criterion (for example, North-West, West, Center of Russia, Siberia, the Far East etc.). Merging both iterations in a single matrix will show the direction of diminishing effectiveness of the managerial solutions. The most effective solutions will be in the upper left corner of the matrix. The least effective solutions will move to the lower right corner. This matrix should serve a conceptual basis of the methodology for the long-term strategic planning and forecasting of the forest sector in the Russian Federation. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

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