The Dilemma of Romanticism in Postcolonial Context: Self-Identity Quest Through Reading and Writing in Disgrace


作为南非当代作家库切迄今为止最具影响力的作品,《耻》自1991年出版后就受到国内外学界的广泛关注。众多东西方学者已经对该小说所呈现的多样化主题进行了研究,其中小说包含的后殖民因素得到了最多关注。基于已有的各类研究,本文致力于借用后殖民理论分析小说主人公卢里对个人身份的探索,以浪漫主义文本为切入点,结合对卢里多重身份困境的分析,提出浪漫主义阅读是卢里构建个人身份的基础,而浪漫主义书写最终成为卢里个人身份解构的展现。 《耻》主要围绕卢里在后殖民背景下的生活境遇展开叙述。卢里作为一个深受西方浪漫主义思想指引的大学教授,无法适应后种族隔离时代的新环境而身陷诸多困境之中。在爱情方面,他不顾性骚扰对梅拉...As the most successful work of J. M. Coetzee, Disgrace has attracted lots of attention at home and abroad since its publication in 1991. Many scholars have done profound studies about its multiple features, among which the most attractive and popular perspective is the postcolonial point of view. Based on previous studies, this thesis intends to apply postcolonial theory to study the protagonist’s...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院_英语语言文学学号:1202014115270

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