The research on the Leading Group mechanism in local governance ——Taking Xiamen Muck Leading Group as an example


领导小组一般作为一种议事协调机构和临时机构(或称非常设机构)广泛存在于中国各级党政机关中,是我国条块分割体制下的必然选择,具有中国政治特色。相较于政府常设部门,领导小组具有突出的灵活性和协调性。当前,在地方治理的背景下,重新审视领导小组,把它看作是地方治理的一种机制,不仅是发展领导小组的必然要求,更是推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的题中之意。 本文以地方治理中的领导小组为研究主题。在回顾分析领导小组相关文献的基础上,先对地方治理背景下的领导小组进行一般分析,包括领导小组概念界定、历史溯源、法律依据、形成机理,特别是结合我国条块分割体制、专项治理活动、直线-职能组织结构对地方治理造成的困境来...The Leading Group is generally regarded as a kind of deliberation and coordination agency and temporary institution (or non-permanent organization), which is widely exist in the Chinese party and government organs at all levels in China, and is an inevitable choice under the fragmented system of our country. This has Chinese political characteristics. Leading Groups have greater flexibility and co...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_行政管理学号:1392014115045

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