
A study on the Concept of "Heart/mind" in the Four Chapters in Guan-tzu


《管子》四篇中的“心”概念继承和发展了老庄的主体思想,并具有其自身的特点。就概念内涵而言,《管子》四篇中的心除“实存之心”意义外,更包含了具有自我认知意义的“理性之心”内涵,并由此衍生出三重特性:首先为主体性,管子处“彼”“此”概念的分化和“心中之心”的表述,表现出了主体的自我意识;其次是认知性,心可通过五官对外界事物做出感性认识,此外也可通过对其的修养达到理性认知;最后是道德性,心可通过“虚静”等方法进行道德修养,最终回归本性并“得道”。在具体修养方法上,形成了“心”——“气”——“道”的修养体系。《管子》四篇之“心”与孟荀重点描述心之道德性和认知性相比,其内涵更具有理性色彩,许多概念和思想...Derived from the thoughts of Laozi and Zhuangzi, the concept of Heart/mind in the four chapters in Guan-tzu proceeded to develop properties of its own. In terms of conceptual connotations, not only does the Heart/mind in the four chapters in Guan-tzu mean the heart-in-existence, but it also contains the connotation of heart-of-reason, from which three properties are derived. 1) Subjectivity: in Gu...学位:哲学硕士院系专业:人文学院_中国哲学学号:1042013115236

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