
Analysis on Effect of VAT Reform in Financial Service Industry-- Basic on Market Power and Tax Shifting


自2012“营改增”在上海试点以来,“营改增”的范围逐年扩大,并预计在2015年底全面覆盖服务业。由于金融服务业的特殊性,近年来关于其“营改增”的讨论愈演愈烈。然而,现有研究几乎忽视了市场势力在其中的重要作用。我国银行具有较高的市场势力,并且市场势力对企业的税负转嫁起着关键性的作用,因此在研究“营改增”的政策效应时,将市场势力纳入考虑十分必要。 本文首先利用1999-2012年的上市与非上市银行的数据,对我国银行的市场势力进行了测量。然后根据上市银行的数据实证分析验证了市场势力在“营改增”的政策效应中所起到的重要作用,与此同时还分析了银行业务多元化对银行产出价格的影响。最后,本文借鉴代表性国...The scope of VAT Reform has been extended since it experiments in Shanghai. And as planned, Service Industry would be entirely included in VAT system at the end of 2015.Because of the specialty of financial service, research on the effect of the VAT Reform in financial industry has been more and more popular. However, an important factor was overlooked among almost all researches—the Market Power....学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_财政学学号:1552012115175

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