
The Innovation Scheme for Access Layer in a MAN Based on EPON


随着固网窄带语音业务被移动通信逐步替代,运营商逐渐将宽带业务视为固网业务的利润增长点和战略投资重点。当前我国的宽带互联网主要采用基于铜缆传输的ADSL技术。铜缆接入是过去一百多年采用的主流接入方式,而近几年铜缆高居不下的价格和有限的带宽接入能力驱使人们将目光投向了光纤。光纤入户(FTTH)是当前运营商网络升级的最终目标,光纤接入的相关技术也是过去几年发展最为迅速的一个领域。国外EPON系统的建设已风起云涌,GPON也进行了大量的试验及试商用。 本文比较了ADSL与几种PON技术的特点,并分析了FTTH、FTTB、FTTN等接入方式的优缺点。本文首先对EPON技术及FTTX进行了详细的论述,...With the replacement of mobile communication for the traditional narrow band-width network, broadband business attracts more and more network operator because of the growing profit. At present, the broadband Internet in our country mainly based on the copper transmission ADSL technique. The copper cable is the main connection mode for the past over one hundred years. However, the high price and li...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200923016

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