The multi-cultural factors in the process of civilization origin of Min River basin


闽江流域由于受地理自然环境的制约,在一定程度上阻碍了早期古文化与外界的接触和交流,新石器文化基本处于封闭的发展环境。从物质文化因素和非物质文化因素中可看出它并非为全封闭的文化区系,在不同发展阶段不断的接受外来文化的影响。中原地区的商周文化对周围地区产生强大的影响,闽江流域尽管处于这个中心的最外围地带,但在其土著发展过程中,仍深深留下了间接印记,而且随着时间的推移,较之前一阶段,其影响更普遍更深远。两周以后,闽江流域上下游大体上融合为一个文化,陶瓷器和青铜器已越来越多的同内陆趋于共通性,很难区分出不同的区域特征来。同时与整个南方地区尤其是东南沿海地区的诸文化特点相比较,显示出越来越多的一致性,大...As a result of the closed environment, the Neolithic culture of Min River basin lacked intercourse with outside and it developed independently on the whole. But no matter from the perspective of material factors or the nonmaterial, the ancient culture of Min River basin reflected that it took in foreign culture in different stages of development. It was not a complete closed culture area. Though t...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_考古学及博物馆学学号:1032006115010

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