Study on the IPO Underpricing Problem of the GEM Based on the BP Neural Network Theory


2009年10月23日,创业板在酝酿了十年之后成功启动,给我国资本市场注入了一股新的活力,由此我国资本市场向着“多层次”的目标又跨了一大步。创业板为我国具有“三高五新”特征的企业提供了一个稳定高效的融资平台,在我国资本市场上具有极其特殊又重要的地位。 从国际股票市场的现状来看,新股的发行价格往往都会偏离二级市场首日收盘价,从而产生抑价现象。但是作为新兴经济体中的新兴资本市场,创业板市场的IPO抑价现象尤为突出。由于我国创业板开板时间较短,对于创业板IPO抑价现象鲜有系统的梳理和研究,尤其考虑到企业内在因素和外在因素可能以复杂非线性的方式对IPO定价和二级市场股票价格产生影响,因此本文尝试在借...Growth Enterprise Market (GEM) set up after ten years' research on October 23, 2009, which injected a stream of new vitality to our capital market. Thus our capital market made a great stride towards the goal of multi-levels. The GEM board provides a stable and efficient financing platform for these enterprises who have the characteristics of high-technology, high growth, high value-added and new ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政系_资产评估学号:1552008115191

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