Rational Analysis on Internal Audit Outsourcing


20世纪80年代末,企业开始将内部审计职能部分或全部通过契约委托给会计师事务所或其他专业人士执行,这种内部审计外部化的现象在90年代逐步发展至高潮阶段,并引起了学术界和实务界的普遍关注。但是至本世纪初,该现象又发生了新的变化,许多企业纷纷将外包的部分内部审计业务收回,放弃先前“全外包”措施,更多的采用“合包”的内部审计形式,实务界出现了内部审计外部化的回归浪潮。 本文从内部审计外部化相关概念的辨析入手,分析内部审计外部化的理论基础、总结学术界对内部审计外部化问题的相关争论,并对内部审计外部化的回归现象作深入探讨,最后就我国的内部审计外部化问题作出展望。 本文在获取大量文献资料,认真学习前人...At the end of the eighties of the 20th century, some international enterprises started to contract their internal auditing services. The phenomenon of internal audit outsourcing has become extremely popular in 1990’s, and has also caused the concern of the academic and the practice. However, at the beginning of this century, there is a new change of this phenomenon. More and more enterprises provi...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:1752007115111

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