The Lady of Shalott——On Creative Methods and Ideas of Main Pre-Raphaelite Artists Toward Such Subject


19世纪中期的英国画坛,拉斐尔前派运动风起云涌。该画派受到同一时期英国文学的影响非常大。许多拉斐尔前派艺术家把英国桂冠诗人丁尼生的作品《夏洛特小姐》频频作为其绘画主题。本文利用美术史研究的形式分析法来分析威廉•霍尔曼•亨特、登特•伽伯利尔•罗塞蒂、西德尼•哈洛德•梅特亚德等艺术家所表现的相关主题的作品,结合相关著述,比较其不同创作手法,揭示这些艺术家对这一主题所抱持的独特价值理念。通过对这些作品研究对比,本文试图寻找出拉斐尔前派对同一主题如此热衷的特殊原因。通过对相关作品的研究,本文认为:拉斐尔前派艺术家如此钟爱这一题材其...When the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood began in mid nineteenth century at England, they were greatly influenced by English literature. Many Pre-Raphaelite artists made The Lady of Shallot, which made by Britain Poet Laureate: Alfred Tennyson, as their subject. The author use method of Form Analyze to study such subject by William Holman Hunt, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Sidney Harold Meteyard. In thei...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院中文系_文艺学学号:X20040100

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