An Analysis on the Investment Value of Zhongjin Gold Corp., Ltd.


2007年,上证综指仅用10个月的时间由2660点上涨到6124点。随后,股指又转势下行,近一年来,跌幅已达70%。在A股暴涨暴跌的洗礼中,投资者们不断地加深着对于价值投资的认识。 本文正是在这样的背景下,希望能利用MBA期间学到的相关知识,对沪市上市公司——中金黄金(600489)进行一个较为详细的投资价值分析,以期作为中金黄金投资者、利益相关者等对中金黄金投资决策和价值判断的参考,同时,也希望通过对中金黄金的投资价值的研究,抛砖引玉,与关注黄金行业的价值投资者们做深入的探讨和交流。 本文简要介绍了目前应用得最为广泛的两种价值评估模型——折现现金流量价值评估模型和相对价值评估模型,并从中...In 2007 early, the general index of Shanghai stock exchange was 2660. Just after ten months, at Oct.16, the index advanced and arrived 6124 rapidly. This high has never be touched in the past. But since that time, the index began to fall all through. Now have been past one year nearly, the index have dropped 70 percent. Suffered the nose-diver of the securities market A, the investor enhance the c...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1552005130146

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