
A Study of the Graduates’ Social Stratification Caused by the Job Mobility:Based on the Cruising Data of the Graduates of 2012


近年来,在劳动力市场分割明显与就业难度日益加大的双重影响下,我国高校毕业生的择业意向已不仅限于传统的“体制内”就业,而是出现了向不同行业和区域流动的就业趋势。高校毕业生多样化的就业趋势对人力资源的初次配置(流动)结构产生了影响并形成了最初的社会分层,即:毕业生通过就业市场被配置到各个行业之中,进而分化为不同的社会阶层。本研究从多学科视角来考察不同层次、类型、科类的高校毕业生就业流动与社会分层的关系、差异及影响,以求实、客观的态度探索毕业生向上、向下流动的机理和原因,以期对我国高校毕业生就业流动与社会分层形成更加科学理性的认识,同时为社会、政府、高校和个人提供政策咨询和理论指导。 本研究选取2...In recent years, the dual effect of segmentation in the labor market and the employment difficulty are obviously increasing. College graduates’ employment intention is not only limited to the traditional “system” in the employment, but also to the diversification of different industries and regional flow trend. The trend of employment of college graduates on diversification of human resource alloc...学位:教育学博士院系专业:教育研究院_教育经济与管理学号:2572010015371

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