
Malicious Civil Action and Its Legal Constraints


内容摘要 诉讼在特定情况下会显示一定的消极作用,成为当事人谋取不正当利益的工具,由此滋生恶意民事诉讼。诉权是权利的固有天然属性,而恶意民事诉讼又是对公正、诚信等法律和道德最根本价值和理念的极大违背,最佳抉择是实现保护起诉权和限制恶意民事诉讼并举。本文通过对恶意民事诉讼相关问题的分析,旨在找到保障当事人行使起诉权和防止滥用起诉权之间的合理或适当的契合点,进而提出规制恶意民事诉讼的方案。全文除引言和结语外,共分为四章。 第一章:对恶意民事诉讼的概念、成因进行分析。在了解两大法系的规定下,通过分析学者们对恶意民事诉讼的概念界定提出本文的见解,指出恶意民事诉讼的本质特征是起诉的动机具有非法性或...ABSTRACT The lawsuit can demonstrate the certain negative effect in the specific situation, and becomes the improper benefit tool which the litigants apply for. Thus the malicious civil action will multiply. The right of action is inherent natural characteristic of the right, but the malicious civil action enormously violates fair, faith law and the most basic value and rationale of mora...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_诉讼法学学号:X20030807

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