
Research on Right of Unity of Laborer in Chinese Law


劳工团结权又称团结权或者劳工结社权,指劳动者为实现维持和改善劳动条件之基本目的,而结成暂时的或永久的团体,并使其运作的权利,即劳动者组织工会并参加其活动的权利。 团结权的产生和发展在十九到二十世纪不仅改变了劳动者本身的命运,更对人类的历史发展产生了深刻的影响。进入市场经济之后,劳动关系由个体劳动关系发展至集体劳动关系时期,这是市场经济条件下劳动关系的基本要求和市场经济国家的基本经验。劳动者通过组织和参加工会,以集体的力量来保障劳动者的权利。因而,研究劳工团结权具有重要意义。本文除前言外共有四章: 第一章对中国法上劳工团结权的构造进行论述,主要对宪法和其他法律、法规中有关劳工团结权的条款进行...The right of unity of laborer means people form a temporary or permanent groups, in order to maintain and improve the working conditions .that is, workers have the right to organize trade unions and participate in its activities. The development of the right of unity of labor in the 19-20 century ,not only changed the fate of the workers themselves, but also had a profound impact on the historica...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_宪法学和行政法学学号:1292006115040

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