
Analyse of Competitive Strategy Tactic of Personal Financial Services for Putian Branch of Industrial Bank


理财产品凭借市场容量大、风险低、业务范围广、经营收入稳定的特点,已经成为外国大型商业银行的主导产品和重要的收益来源及利润增长点。随着近些年来批发业务发展减缓和外资银行的步伐逼近,各商业银行迫于形势先后推出形式多样的理财服务和专有品牌。因此,理财业务已经成为我国目前银行业的一个热点,积极研究理财产品的营销策略及渠道建设对于银行和客户都有重要的意义。 基于目前股份制商业银行理财产品的营销渠道、营销方式存在较为雷同的情况,本文通过对莆田地区商业银行个人理财市场参与者的网点数量、理财销量、网点点均理财销量等方面的比对分析,结合竞争战略群组分析方法,进一步明确莆田地区商业银行个人理财市场的竞争格局。有...Financial products with the characteristics of the market capacity, low risk, business scope, business income is stable, has become the dominant products of foreign commercial banks and an important source of revenue and profit growth point. In recent years, along with the approximation of the wholesale business of foreign banks and the pace is slowing, the commercial banks under the situation wil...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792009115068

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