
A Study on the Legal Protection of Divorced Women


当前,随着我国市场经济的发展和人们生活水平的逐步提高,妇女的地位也有了较大的改善。但是,我国的离婚率也逐年上升。离婚妇女的合法权益保护成为一个重要的法律问题。近年来,社会已逐渐视离婚为一种常态的社会现象,人们也普遍认为女性也应该享有平等的离婚权,但这并不能掩盖女性在离婚后所面临的尴尬和困境。离婚妇女特别是家庭主妇和育有低龄子女的妇女,通常会在离异后生活困难或生活质量严重下降。 论文通过调查与实务中的案例分析,对我国社会的离婚妇女问题进行解析,对这一社会现象给予足够的重视。在借鉴国外对离婚妇女的保护做法和经验的基础上,论文提出了对离婚妇女权益保护具有针对性的措施。全文除引言和结论外,共分为四章...With the development of China's Market economy and the improvement of people's life, the status of women have been greatly raised. But our divorce rate is also increased year by year, thus the protection of legitimate interests of divorced women becomes an important legal issue. In recent years, divorce has been regarded as a kind of normal social phenomenon, and the fact that there should be an e...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士(JM)学号:X200912006

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